
Visual art

Margreeth Oosterhof








Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 1 - 30 april (My work: 'Droomdeel' from 2023, 'Keep in mind' from 2022). For other paintings of me, look at Pulchri Webshop



Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 3 - 25 september (My work: 'Passing through, connected' from 2022) For photo's, description and prizes of these paintings look at Pulchri Webshop



Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 2 april - 24 april (see pulchri.nl for openingtimes) (My works: 'No comment' from 2022 and 'Witte bloem' from 2022) For photo's, description and prizes of these paintings look at Pulchri Webshop






Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 2 - 24 october (My work: 'Warmth enclosure' from 2020)


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 2 march - 11 april (see pulchri.nl for openingtimes) (My work: 'Faith renders to form and arising' from 2020)




Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 16 september - 11 october (My work: 'You, a fresh flower are you', 162+102 cm h+w, from 2020 (+1995+1996)) and 'Together', 26+32 cm h+w, from 2020)




Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 21 september - 13 october (My work: 'It ends, it starts, it stays' from 2012-2019 and 'Leaving for heaven' from 2019)


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 6 april - 28 april (see pulchri.nl for openingtimes) (My work: 'Playing the piano' from 2017) (not competing for the Jacob Hartogprize 2019)




Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 22 september - 14 october (My work: 'Home' from 2018)


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 7 april - 29 april (closed 27 april) (My work: 'Watch the healing (enjoy the miracle)' from 2018)




Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 9 september - 1 october (My work: 'They will find each other' from 2017) (Check closingtimes on website Pulchri.nl)


Group, The remarquable collectionneurs, Townhall Rheden, De Steeg, 11 mai - 22 june


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 22 april - 14 May (closed 27 april) (My work: 'Powerful' from 2017)




Group, Winterpainters, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 20 december - 22 januari (My work: 'Freedom in a frozen situation', 'My tree is still green in wintertime' en 'Wind is blowing' ( textilecollages made in 2016 with knitting made in earlier years, knitwear is hand-knitted and designed by myself, and I have also been wearing these clothes. If you like, you can take them of the textile-collage and wear them yourself.))


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 1 october - 23 october (My work: 'Germinate' (made in 2016) and 'You are my queen' (made in 2016))


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 9 april - 1 May (closed 27 april) (My work: 'Pigeons' from 2002+2015)




Group, Winterpainters, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 17 december - 10 januari 2016 (24 december - 4 januari mostly closed and only open for special groups) (My work: 'Nightconcert' made in 2002+2014)


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 26 september - 18 october (My work: 'The Labyrinth' from 2001+2014+2015)


Group Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 2 mei - 25 May (closed 27 april) (My work: 'Silent ecstasy' from 1999+2015)




Group, Mixed Double, Artists of Rheden, De Kapel, Zutphensestraatweg 1 Ellecom, 28 (opening in the evening), 29 en 30 november (My work: 'Ask for help' (with a little change made in 2014) and a piece of work on paper that I will make together with Adriaan van Esveld)


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 6 september - 28 september (My work: 'What do you see, Sam?' and 'So close and yet so far away')


Group, Art auction beekdal, Rozet, Arnhem, 24 mei (My work: 'Ik juich van binnen' made in 1988) Look at www.kunstveilingbeekdal.webklik.nl (the proceeds of my painting are totally for the good case)


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 19 april - 11 May (closed 20 april, 26 april) (My work: 'A special moment' and 'Rest')




Group, Noem deze maar mooi, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 30 november - 5 december (My work: 'Ask for help')


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 28 Sept. - 20 Oct. (My work: 'Ask for help' and 'Half')


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 13 april - 5 May (closed 17 april, 30 april) (My work: 'Rapture' and 'It ends, it begins, it stays')




Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 22 Sept. - 14 Oct. (My work: 'Dress and things, gifts and given')


Group, Small Size on a large scale, members exhibition in the Hardenberg-room, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 24 juli t/m 19 augustus (My work: 'Solid Rock', 'Red roses (2)', 'Meeting you', 'Inner room', 'On the beach')


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 5 May - 29 May (closed 27 May, open 28 May) (My work: 'Wallpaper' and 'Something lost and found')




Group, Small size, small price, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 25 oct - 10 jan. 2012 (My work: 'If you can see through it, you can see the bird!')


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 24 Sept. - 16 Oct. (My work: 'Little whole heart' and 'The right spot')


Group, Small size, small price, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 23 aug - 23 oct. (My work 'Red roses')


Group, Small size, small price, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, mai, june, july. (My work: 'In, uit')


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 9 April - 1 May (closed 13,14,15,24 and 30 april) (My work: 'Dingen waarmee nog iets gedaan kan worden')


Group, Small size, small price, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, February, March. (My work: 'Boot')


Group, Small size, small price, members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, January, February. (My work: 'Tent')




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 10 April - 2 May (closed 30 april)


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 25 Sept. - 17 Oct. (partly closed on 30 sept. and 13 oct.)




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 11 April - 3 May (closed 12 and 30 april)


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 26 Sept. - 25 Oct.




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 12 April - 4 May (closed 17 and 30 april)


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 27 Sept. - 26 Oct.




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 7 April - 26 April


Group, Artists of Rheden, landed estate Avegoor and chapel in Ellecom, 28 April - 27 May


Group, ...light inside things..., Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 30 June - 19 August


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, 22 Sept. - 14 Oct.




Group, 'Rembrandt?' Work of members, Pulchri Studio, The Hague 15 Jan. t/m 5 Febr.


Group, 'De Tekenaar' Drawings of members, Pulchri Studio, The Hague 11 Febr. t/m 5 March.


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague 8 April - 29 April


Group, 'The golden place' Artists of Rheden, Kunsthuis 13 Velp 6 Mai - 4 June


Solo, Townhall De Steeg 7 Sept. t/m 3 Nov.




Group, Toegift & voorproefje, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen 14 May - 30 June


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague 17 Sept. - 9 Oct.




Group, The choice of Koek (burgomaster), Municipal Servicecentrum, Velp


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Toegift, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen




Group, Portret, Artists of Rheden, Kunsthuis 13, Velp


Solo, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen (with Evelyn van Baarda, ceramics)


Group, Toegift, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group, young Pulchri, artists up to and includ. 40 year, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Over winteren, work of members, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Spring member exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Beelden binnen 2002, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Gelderland Kunstland, Eusebiuskerk, Arnhem


Group, Jubilee-exhibition, true colours, Galerie Albion Putti, Groningen


Group, The acquisitions of the town Rheden, Townhall, De Steeg


Group, Artcalendar and Agenda 2003 (work of artists of Rheden),


Townhall, De Steeg




Group, Beautiful girls, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group ,Tweeluiken, Exhibition Artists of Rheden, Kunsthuis 13, Velp


Solo, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen (with Egbert J. Bos, sculptures)


Group, 100 year halls Pulchri, memberexhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Masterly drawn, drawings of members, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group, Tegeltableau, Artists from Arnhem, Oolgaardthuis, Arnhem


Group, Stockexpositie, Gallery Albion Putti, Groningen




Group, 100 artists from Arnhem, Sonsbeek Art & Design, Arnhem


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, New acquisitions, SBK Gelderland


Group, Het overzicht, Artists from Rheden, Kunsthuis 13, Velp


Group, Kunstkijktocht, Artgallery Cygnus, Velp


Duo, Open Monumentendag, Landhuis 'Isselborgh', Dieren


Group, Exhibition of Burgomaster de Bruin-prizewinners 1959-1999,


Kunsthuis 13, Velp, Juwelier Gerritsen, Velp, ABN-AMRO, Velp




Group, Membersexhibition Pulchri Studio, 't Elzenbeld, Antwerp


Group, Kakelvers, Fine artist from Rheden, Kunsthuis 13, Velp


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Avro Kunstblik, exposureday, Gemeente Rheden


(sending out on television: 26 september 1999)




Group, Artists from Arnhem, Sonsbeek Art & Design, Arnhem


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, 3e Summer Exhibition, Galerie Per Adres, Amsterdam


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, On small format, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Projekt 'Br. O. Nr.', Von Oberbach, Arnhem




Solo, Gallery Hollandsche Spoorweg, Nijmegen


Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Benefitauction Save the Children, Sotheby's, Amsterdam


Group, Winter members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group ,Summer exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Het Bed, Genootschap Kunstliefde, Utrecht




Group, Summer exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Biennial Gelderland, Nijmeegs Museum Commanderie van Sint-Jan,




Group, Winter exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Memberexhibition GBK, Galerie Xenia, Overasselt


Group, Autumn member exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Solo, Burgomaster De Bruin-Prize 1992, Townhall, De Steeg




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, De Naakte Salon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Noordzee. Den Haag aan Z..., North Sea Gallery, Scheveningen


Group, New members GBK, Huis der provincie, Arnhem


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Kantoorinrichtingsbedrijf Eromes, Wijchen





Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Nieuwe Haagse Salon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, On small format, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Group, Spring members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague




Solo, Central tax-building, Nijmegen


Solo, Regional Educational tax-institute, Arnhem


Solo, Hotel Velp, Velp


Group, Autumn members exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague





Group, Lustral exhibition, Pulchri Studio, The Hague


Group, On small format, Pulchri Studio, The Hague